The bookshop started as the result of a study which revealed that in the UK only 1% of children’s books published contained a BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) main character.  Since opening their pop-up bookshop in Brixton, co-founders David Stevens and Aimée Felone had been raising money to remain in their location permanently. I’m happy to see that they will now become permanent, with Round Table Books opening in Brixton in May as an inclusive bookshop serving a vibrant and diverse community. I was fortunate to bring a group of students to the Knights Of bookshop to interview co-founder David Stevens and will be excited to bring another group to the new, permanent bookshop. An Evening Standard article on the shop noted that it will be headed Khadija Osman, who joins from the Forbidden Planet London Megastore, and who said: “I am extremely proud to be bringing more inclusion and opportunity to the community with Round Table Books.” Be sure to follow them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for updates on events and great books!

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